AMT Medical
The innovative AMT technology enables cardiac surgeons to perform off-pump heart bypass surgery, enabling minimally invasive closed chest surgery (MIDCAB) and keyhole and robot surgery (TECAB).
With broad industry experience in Medical Devices, the team already brought the same technology for brain surgery to the market (class-3 Medical Device in the EU and U.S.), the first and only safe brain bypass technology available which has saved many lives for brain patients.
For heart surgery the solution is already proven in a successful First-in-Human trial. A larger ongoing trial focused on certification will be completed in mid-2024.
The technology is protected by multiple patents and there are no other competing devices on the market in this $15bn blue ocean cardio market. AMT is on the way to become the new ‘Gold Standard’ in treating coronary artery disease: our society’s biggest killer, with millions of patients each year.
Recent Milestones: Successfully passed the first in human trial. Currently over one-third of a major study in Europe to obtain CE certification.
- Upcoming Milestones: Treating the first patients in the US wit the use of a Robot, CE Certification
Products: Medical Devices that banisches open heart surgery from the world. The innovative products (already proven in brain surgery) are suitable for keyhole and robotic surgery. This eliminates the need to open the chest and to stop the heart for each heart bypass, a dream for every heart patient.
- Investors: Dutch VC's
- Full Company address & contact details:
- M: +31-6-22884400
AMT Head Office:
Zonneoordlaan 17
6718 TK Ede
The Netherlands
AMT Labs:
Yalelaan 52
3584 CM Utrecht
The Netherlands